Maine had a ballot question to limit political action committees (PACs) ability to influence elections for state offices.
QUESTION 1: An Act to Limit Contributions to Political Action Committees That Make Independent Expenditures, Do you want to set a $5,000 limit for giving to political action committees that spend money independently to support or defeat candidates for office?
74% of Maine’s voters approved this question. It will undoubtedly face appeals to the courts to invalidate it. Nothing else can be expected in a country where corporations have 1st Amendment rights and the rich and corporations completely dominate the political process. Nevertheless, Maine is to be credited with this small but important effort to get the rich and corporations out of our politics.
We need to limit money at the individual level and completely ban corporations and other such entities who are not human beings from participating. All contributions must be clearly connected to a real person. No anonymous money permitted. These would be steps towards an open and equitable election system.