There are 16 content topics here at AmericanDelusions.
The content topics are in alphabetical order below.
In addition, there are other topics that refer to different styles and methods of presenting information. These are found at the end of the page.
Click on the cards to see more information and links to the topics.
Education is critical to the success and sustainability of our species and the planet.
go to Education posts
We have been an imperial power from the beginning. We expanded across the country killing or colonizing the indigenous population as we went. Since WWII we have taken on a global role. The US has over 750 military bases on every continent except Antarctica.
go to Empire posts
Our planet earth is our only home. Taking care of it should be a priority for our species.
go to Environment posts
Families play a central role in everyone's life. How our society supports, or doesn't, the family in all of its facets is very important
go to Family posts
Free Markets & Neoliberalism
Capitalism has been transformed over the last 50 years. The ideas variously named as "free markets" and "neoliberalism" play a central role.
go to Free Markets & Neoliberalism posts
The US healthcare system (? is it a system? - clearly not for patients!) spends nearly twice as much as every other wealthy country. It produces third rate results. WHY??
go to Healthcare posts
Human Nature
This is a placeholder for investigations into how our 300,000 year history and culture as tribal creatures influences our culture and behaviors today.
go to Human Nature posts
Inequality - Income & Wealth
Income and wealth inequalities are very high and the gap between the top 1% of the world's people and the rest is widening rapidly.
go to Inequality posts.
Justice, Police, & Jails
America is a world leader in locking people up. Our police shoot an extraordinary number of people. Our jails are disproportionately filled with non-whie people. The justice system is a fraud.
go to Justice, Police, Jails posts.
Politics & Political System
America is dually burdened. First, the very structure of the Federal government is designed to give excessive power to rural populations. Second, the entire system is captured by the rich and corporations. Both political parties are beholden to this oligarchy.
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Racism - White Supremacy
Racism and white supremacy have been key features of America from the first moment Eurpeans set foot in this hemisphere.
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Security State
In the past 25 years a public and private security state has developed. This is a global phenomenon. We are observed and recorded everywhere we go, in real life, at work, online.
go to Security State posts.
Technology continues to become a more and more important factor in our day-to-day lives and the very structures of our world. Who controls what gets developed? Who decides how it is applied? Who guards us from its misuse?
go to Technology posts.
US Economy
A critical view of the actual workings of the US economy. This in sharp contrast with Econ101, Wall St. and Washington politicians
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Women continue to receive less pay than men for the same job. Women continue to perform most of the unpaid work of raising children and keeping the family goiong.
go to Women posts
Other Content
AmericanDelusions on YouTube
We occasionally re-post content in video sessions on YouTube. Look for the AmericanDelusions channel
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