Briefly Noted

Recently Noted – challenging views of Justice Clarence Thomas – the intractable nature of white racism

Recently Noted – challenging views of Justice Clarence Thomas – the intractable nature of white racism

October 15, 2019

A challenging take on the state of racism in the US. Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson reviews books on Clarence Thomas and his views on countering intractable white racism.

Briefly Noted

Recently Noted – Your Burger vs. Transatlantic Flight – how much CO2?

Recently Noted – Your Burger vs. Transatlantic Flight – how much CO2?

October 4, 2019

The New Yorker published “Value Meal: Impossible Foods wants to save the world by inventing a better burger” by Tad Friend in the 9/30/2019 issue. During the introductory paragraphs the following statistic was cited: Every four pounds of beef you eat contributes to as much global warming as flying from New York to London—and the average American eats that much each month.