
Recently Noted – the future of bitcoin and blockchain technologies – UPDATED

Recently Noted – the future of bitcoin and blockchain technologies – UPDATED

January 17, 2018

UPDATE: IBM does blockchain….Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are subject to the same control by the rich and corporations as our existing financial and business sectors. These technologies are embedded in the socio-economic structures of capitalism. Concentrations of power dominate the existing capitalist world and they will dominate these new “disruptive” technology entrants.


Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

July 12, 2017

Government, Federal, state and local took affirmative actions to set up and sustain segregation that is clearly unconstitutional and illegal. The de jure nature of the history then puts the burden on the government, our government, to remedy the situation.