A Note on Jobs & Unemployment – revised
A Note on Jobs & Unemployment – revised
December 31, 2017
A Note on Jobs & Unemployment Original publica —>> read more –>>
December 31, 2017
A Note on Jobs & Unemployment Original publica —>> read more –>>
July 30, 2017
Recent NYTimes article broadly acknowledges what every other developed country has recognized for decades, healthcare is not a good candidate for market control.
June 26, 2017
A consistent chattering point in American discussi —>> read more –>>
June 24, 2017
The Democratic Party must absorb the reality of our situation. We need to develop and express some outrage at the current healthcare providers. None of this will happen as long as Democrats are taking money from the rich and corporations. If there is a single lesson from the Bernie Sanders campaign it is that with messages and programs that reflect the needs of the vast majority of Americans, you can raise enough money to fight off the Republican Party and its wealthy and corporate sponsors. Time to start now.
June 3, 2017
If we want to offer an alternative analysis we need direct language that does not refer to thinking and issues from 150 years ago that invites immediate suspicions that those speaking are academics and intellectuals who by definition are not connected to the day-to-day realities of American life.
June 2, 2017
Read the keystone essay: What Is Market Capitalism —>> read more –>>
May 14, 2017
The solution to our healthcare fiasco is first to recognize its true nature and then to face down those who are consuming a fifth of our economic output while producing profoundly bad results.
May 7, 2017
The word “regulation” has been used as an epithet and rhetorical sledge hammer by Republicans and the centrist Bill Clinton Democrats as part of a general campaign to discredit anything that the government might do. This is part of the decades long political strategy of the rich and corporations to puff up the delights of “free markets”.
March 8, 2017
Mr. Faso, Your promise to voters and citizens of your district, including me, should be to improve the conditions of country. The proposed AHCA fails on three counts.
March 2, 2017
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us in his 1981 Inaug —>> read more –>>
March 1, 2017
Progressives have to declare class war as a centra —>> read more –>>
February 10, 2017
Dollars and Sense has been around since the 1970s. —>> read more –>>
January 29, 2017
President Reagan was not the originator of this ce —>> read more –>>
January 22, 2017
Park Avenue puts faces to many of the wealthy and the corporations. Do not for a moment think that if we could just rid ourselves of these avaricious individuals that our problems would be solved.
December 29, 2016
The values of capitalism, especially as expressed —>> read more –>>
November 9, 2016
– The Morning After -The election of Trump and the —>> read more –>>
November 12, 2010
There is more evidence that the current run of rel —>> read more –>>
June 6, 2010
“Free market” has always struck me as a rather str —>> read more –>>
April 20, 2010
What Is the Function of Wall St.? The global finan —>> read more –>>
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