Received this morning (4.28.2023) from YouTube:
“Important notifications
Community Guidelines warning
Your content Embrace White Supremacy was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines.”
Clearly, no one at YouTube watched even the first minute, let alone the entire video!!
I appealed. To YouTube’s credit, I received a response to my appeal within ten minutes!
“After taking another look, we can confirm that your content does not violate our Community Guidelines. Thanks for your patience while we reviewed this appeal. Our goal is to make sure content doesn’t violate our Community Guidelines so that YouTube can be a safe place for all – and sometimes we make mistakes trying to get it right. We’re sorry for any frustration our mistake caused you, and we appreciate you letting us know.”
I can understand at the level of the title of the video why someone could interpret this as a call to support white supremacy. Maybe my title strategy was a bit too provocative? In the end, I am impressed by the speed and accuracy of YouTube’s appeal process. Something good in the world of social media.
Original 4.27.2023 post starts here:
Here is a YouTube video version of my earlier post, “Starting down the path to embracing White Supremacy“.
Starting down the path to embracing White Supremacy (YouTube)
It’s 17 minutes long with subtitles.