
Recently Noted – the future of bitcoin and blockchain technologies – UPDATED

Recently Noted – the future of bitcoin and blockchain technologies – UPDATED

January 17, 2018

UPDATE: IBM does blockchain….Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are subject to the same control by the rich and corporations as our existing financial and business sectors. These technologies are embedded in the socio-economic structures of capitalism. Concentrations of power dominate the existing capitalist world and they will dominate these new “disruptive” technology entrants.

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US Economy

US Economy

July 26, 2017

The US economy is still the largest in he world and it makes us one of the richest nations on earth. We think of it as the most dynamic, innovative, technologically advanced in the world. The trends of the last decade show that there is much to be concerned about.  

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Obama, Wall St. and Big Money

Obama, Wall St. and Big Money

May 8, 2017

New evidence of how big money works has turned up last summer in the WikiLeaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails. Included are an exchange between John Podesta, Co-Chair of the Obama Campaign in 2008 and later Obama’s Councilor and John Froman who was working at Citibank at the time of the emails and has held positions at Treasury and elsewhere.