
Heart Stents, Tricycles, and an Argument for Consumer Protections (Regulations)

Heart Stents, Tricycles, and an Argument for Consumer Protections (Regulations)

February 21, 2018

Since corporations have reason not to worry about safety and efficacy, we do need the government to represent us. Common sense and ethics suggest that a company establish the safety and efficacy of products and services BEFORE selling them. In a world better balanced to the needs and interests of the vast majority this would be a required step. Heart stents and tricycles are examples of the failings of our current system.


Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

July 12, 2017

Government, Federal, state and local took affirmative actions to set up and sustain segregation that is clearly unconstitutional and illegal. The de jure nature of the history then puts the burden on the government, our government, to remedy the situation. 


Regulations vs Protections – more than just words

Regulations vs Protections – more than just words

May 7, 2017

The word “regulation” has been used as an epithet and rhetorical sledge hammer by Republicans and the centrist Bill Clinton Democrats as part of a general campaign to discredit anything that the government might do. This is part of the decades long political strategy of the rich and corporations to puff up the delights of “free markets”.


Dumping Concrete: a law of capitalism In action – a local example

Dumping Concrete: a law of capitalism In action – a local example

May 6, 2017

Every company seeks to get someone else to pay for as many of its costs of doing business as possible. The laws of capitalism require this. If all of Stickles’ competitors are similarly avoiding the costs of disposing of their waste concrete they must do likewise. Otherwise their cost of doing business would be higher. In the short term their profits will be lower. In the longer term they will be forced out of business because they will have to charge higher prices. This is so regardless of the moral values or sense of community of the owners of F.H.Stickles. This how capitalism works.


United Airlines, Monopoly/Oligopoly, The Natural Laws of Capitalism

United Airlines, Monopoly/Oligopoly, The Natural Laws of Capitalism

April 17, 2017

In the US four airlines control over 80% of the seats and in many regional markets the competition veers towards a state of monopoly. There is simply no effective competitive controls on what the airlines can charge and under what conditions.This has lead to persistent high fares and a seemingly endless series of innovations in how many people can be jammed into a plane with as many extra charges tacked on for fewer and fewer amenities.