
Reading George Packer’s Last Best Hope: America in crisis and renewal

Reading George Packer’s Last Best Hope: America in crisis and renewal

August 15, 2021

Packer’s Last Best Hope: America in crisis and renewal (Ferrar, Straus & Giroux 2021) has aroused quite a bit of attention and comment in the media. At the heart of the book is Packer’s description of four Americas: Free America, Real America, Smart America, and Just America. The writing is solid and attractive.


Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

Creating Segregated America in the 20th Century – Government in Action

July 12, 2017

Government, Federal, state and local took affirmative actions to set up and sustain segregation that is clearly unconstitutional and illegal. The de jure nature of the history then puts the burden on the government, our government, to remedy the situation. 


NYTimes Book Review Misses Major Points About US Healthcare

NYTimes Book Review Misses Major Points About US Healthcare

April 5, 2017

Using a variety of tools and institutional arrangements every other developed country controls prices and healthcare budgets. They do not allow a one-sided market to focus on delivering as many procedures and prescriptions as possible without any systematic focus on health. To put the outrage of American healthcare in its true global setting: US healthcare spending compared to other developed countries and health outcomes relative to other developed countries. As the chart below demonstrates, the US spends more than 25% more than our closest competitor, Switzerland, and twice as much as most including japan, France, Australia and Canada. The health outcomes are woeful. We rank 42 in the world for longevity and 56th for infant mortality.