Structural White Supremacy In Action – the real estate market
Structural White Supremacy In Action – the real estate market
July 2, 2020
Wondering What White Supremacy Looks Like? (click —>> read more –>>
July 2, 2020
Wondering What White Supremacy Looks Like? (click —>> read more –>>
August 2, 2017
New Trump focus on race reminds us, “All of the liberal praise for civil rights has produced no results over these six decades excepting the ritualized celebration of African American History Month. This is so embedded in our calendar that even Trump issued another executive order announcing it.”
July 17, 2017
Segregated America didn’t happen by chance nor by choice of the victims. Consistent white supremacist government action supported by private institutions created the segregation that persists and flourishes in the 21st century.
July 12, 2017
Government, Federal, state and local took affirmative actions to set up and sustain segregation that is clearly unconstitutional and illegal. The de jure nature of the history then puts the burden on the government, our government, to remedy the situation.
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