Political Inequality – the other inequality
Political Inequality – the other inequality
January 15, 2019
There has been focus on wealth and income inequali —>> read more –>>
January 15, 2019
There has been focus on wealth and income inequali —>> read more –>>
May 15, 2017
The 40 year class war in America has achieved its final objectives. The plutocrats are the White House. The Cabinet has more wealth than held by over 100 million Americans.
February 3, 2016
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not in the pocket of the rich and corporations. To even begin to think about how to work our way out of our many problems and to capitalize on the opportunities, we need to retrieve our politics from the tsunami of money that now controls it. Bernie Sanders is a step in that direction.
June 6, 2015
The trail of money around Hillary and Bill Clinton —>> read more –>>
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