

Today, I came across this article on Medium: The Rich Are Hoarding Wealth—Because They Know What’s Coming by Angus Peterson. I have regularly referred to the state of our species as a crisis of global warming, exhaustion of the earth’s resources, and species extinction (including ours). Peterson expands this list —>> read more –>>


Hard Data about Ultraprocessed Foods and Health – Sugar in the spotlight

Over several decades, there has been increasing discussion of the role of ultra-processed foods in our health. Globally, surging levels of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and other chronic illnesses. Developing scientific levels of proof of the connection between the increasing consumption of industrial foods and these illnesses has not been easy. —>> read more –>>


Marketing Excess in NYC

On a recent visit to NYC, I came upon this scene of brand excess just north of Trump Tower on 5th Ave. This is the Louis Vuitton store wrapped to look like 19th-century steamer trunks. “It is finished with the classic detailing synonymous with Louis Vuitton’s savoir-faire including handles, signature —>> read more –>>