
Trump Republican Policy Crimes (some only attempted at the moment)

Trump Republican Policy Crimes (some only attempted at the moment)

November 30, 2017

Trump – Republican Positions and Crimes (some just attempted) against the poor, working and middle class. The current Trump Republicans effort to cram their bill to pay back their corporate and rich supporters with giant tax breaks has me frothing a bit. I wrote down this list, partial though it may be. Add to it!


The Democratic Party and Healthcare – Preserving Obamacare Cannot Be The End Game

The Democratic Party and Healthcare – Preserving Obamacare Cannot Be The End Game

June 24, 2017

The Democratic Party must absorb the reality of our situation. We need to develop and express some outrage at the current healthcare providers. None of this will happen as long as Democrats are taking money from the rich and corporations. If there is a single lesson from the Bernie Sanders campaign it is that with messages and programs that reflect the needs of the vast majority of Americans, you can raise enough money to fight off the Republican Party and its wealthy and corporate sponsors. Time to start now.


Vicious Republicans Not Trump Are The Problem

Vicious Republicans Not Trump Are The Problem

June 22, 2017

Trump is a side show here. The problem is the Republican Party bought and sold by the wealthy and corporations. The Republicans are busy destroying families through their attacks on healthcare, education, family income, and government protections. The Republicans are busy mouthing talk about job creation while doing nothing to create jobs, just more rhetoric about job creators and government regulations. The Republicans are busy doing nothing to assure that a person working a full-time job can achieve a liveable standard of living.

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Obama, Wall St. and Big Money

Obama, Wall St. and Big Money

May 8, 2017

New evidence of how big money works has turned up last summer in the WikiLeaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails. Included are an exchange between John Podesta, Co-Chair of the Obama Campaign in 2008 and later Obama’s Councilor and John Froman who was working at Citibank at the time of the emails and has held positions at Treasury and elsewhere.


Money in US Politics and Supporting Bernie Sanders

Money in US Politics and Supporting Bernie Sanders

February 3, 2016

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not in the pocket of the rich and corporations. To even begin to think about how to work our way out of our many problems and to capitalize on the opportunities, we need to retrieve our politics from the tsunami of money that now controls it. Bernie Sanders is a step in that direction.