What’s Wrong With Inequality – the word?
What’s Wrong With Inequality – the word?
November 26, 2021
Use of the word inequality hides the real issues.
November 26, 2021
Use of the word inequality hides the real issues.
January 17, 2020
Essay explores the grim reality of life in one small corner of America within the broader landscape of the bottom 90%.
February 11, 2018
NYTimes reports that one-time bonuses are the preferred pay strategy vs pay raises.Mysteriously the Times leaves out the role of unions and the long-term fall in unionization rates in the private sector in the US.
December 14, 2017
Inequality in wealth and income is a continuing global crisis. The World Inequality Report 2018 defines the problem based on wealth ownership and the transfer of public wealth into private hands. Their are solutions but they require political organization and will.
November 30, 2017
Trump – Republican Positions and Crimes (some just attempted) against the poor, working and middle class. The current Trump Republicans effort to cram their bill to pay back their corporate and rich supporters with giant tax breaks has me frothing a bit. I wrote down this list, partial though it may be. Add to it!
July 26, 2017
The US economy is still the largest in he world and it makes us one of the richest nations on earth. We think of it as the most dynamic, innovative, technologically advanced in the world. The trends of the last decade show that there is much to be concerned about.
July 17, 2017
Segregated America didn’t happen by chance nor by choice of the victims. Consistent white supremacist government action supported by private institutions created the segregation that persists and flourishes in the 21st century.
May 8, 2017
New evidence of how big money works has turned up last summer in the WikiLeaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails. Included are an exchange between John Podesta, Co-Chair of the Obama Campaign in 2008 and later Obama’s Councilor and John Froman who was working at Citibank at the time of the emails and has held positions at Treasury and elsewhere.
March 1, 2017
Progressives have to declare class war as a centra —>> read more –>>
February 26, 2017
This 2013 article “How Much Money Would It Take to —>> read more –>>
May 9, 2012
It is fairly widely known that income and wealth i —>> read more –>>
November 19, 2011
I came on a set of graphics in Mother Jones, “It’s —>> read more –>>
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