Posts about inequality – income, wealth and mobility
Economists Are in the Wilderness. Can They Find a Way Back to Influence? – from the NYTimes
January 12, 2025Ben Casselman wrote this piece in the 1.10.2025 NYTimes: “Economists Are in the Wilderness. Can They Find a Way Back to Influence?” The article cites the following as evidence of the decline of economists’ influence: Trump’s tariff plans, immigration, free trade, failure to foresee the global financial meltdown of 2008, deindustrialization, and a long-term slowdown in economic growth despite tax cuts. I won’t indulge myself in reciting the many false assumptions underlying neo-classical economics.1 No mention —>> read more –>>
- Neoclassical economics is the orthodox economics taught in virtually every higher education institution in the world today. It is filled with false assumptions about the world and presented in pseudo-scientific mathematics that intimidates those not well-versed in higher mathematics. It assumes no role for government or politics in setting the rules and regulations in which capitalism operates. In fact, the word capitalism almost never escapes an orthodox economist's lips, let alone enter their minds. The word “capitalism” appears only once in the 690 pages of the textbook Krugman, Paul R, and Robin Wells. Macroeconomics. 4th revised edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2015. Even then, it is only in a quote from a NYTimes journalist. In another widely used text, Campbell McConnell, Stanley Brue, and Sean Flynn, Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 18th ed. (McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009) the word “capitalism” appears only six times in 917 pages.
- American Compass is a Washington think tank that self-describes itself as a home for conservative economics
- Between 1946 and 1978 productivity (output of goods and services per hour of labor) rose 2.5% per year while average wages rose 2.4% per year. A very equal sharing of gains to business with the workforce.
- (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020),
- Note that all of these dollars are in inflation-adjusted 2018 dollars. Constant buying-power dollars.
- Please note that the income distribution in 1975 was not ideal. There was significant inequality. From our current perspective, though, it seems idyllic compared to the transformations of the last 40 years.
- Price, Carter C., and Kathryn A. Edwards. “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018.” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020).
- A stock buyback occurs when a company uses company financial resources to buy its own shares on the market. The reduction in the number of shares outstanding in the market produces a rise in the price of the remaining shares. Buybacks were illegal until rules were changed in 1982 under President Reagan. Previously, they were considered stock price manipulation.
“Incoming!” – Trump’s appointments and billionaire claque
January 4, 2025The 12.26.2024 issue of The London Review of Books includes Eliot Weinberger’s stunning piece on the Trump presidency, “Incoming!”. It begins: “They came from Florida, from Fox News and Fox Business, square-jawed men and women with big hair and collagen lips. They came from professional football and World Wrestling Entertainment. They came from daytime talk shows and reality television. They were ‘straight out of central casting’, as the future president said. Some of the women —>> read more –>>
Not a right – left problem; a top – down problem. The class war is long over.
December 26, 2024In the wake of Trump’s victory over Harris there has been much hand-wringing over how to explain the obvious trend among Americans to favor Republicans. Is the Democratic Party too focused on social issues? Is this alienating white males in particular? Did the party underestimate the general misogyny of voters? Somehow, and perhaps because billionaires and corporations are such a source of money for the party, the Democratic Party, in general, has not discussed the —>> read more –>>
- 2010 constant dollars. See:
- See
Thoughts on ending billionaire wealth – “Every billionaire is a policy failure”
December 25, 2024The tsunami of billionaires that has washed across the planet over the last decade or so is troubling in the extreme. Now, we have the fattest one setting policy in Washington in the most direct way imaginable. Billionaires already own the US political system, and they are on the very shortest of lists in the new White House come January 20th. In 2000, Bloomberg’s list of billionaires included 322. By 2024, Bloomberg had stopped keeping —>> read more –>>
- data from
- I am not the originator of this phrase. It exists even as a bumper sticker
- the Empire State building is 1,454 ft (453 m) tall to the tip
American Compass – their conservative economics get it right, mostly
December 5, 2024American Compass is a self-described think tank for conservative economics. From its Mission Statement page: “We are developing the conservative economic agenda to supplant blind faith in free markets with a focus on workers, their families and communities, and the national interest.” There is much to admire about the analysis of our situation here. Globalization is accurately described as a failure to develop broader economic growth around the world, with its true face as the —>> read more –>>
- Gilens, Martin. Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America. Princeton, N.J; New York: Princeton University Press ; Russell Sage Foundation, 2012.; and Gilens, Martin, and Benjamin I. Page. “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.” Perspectives on Politics 12, no. 3 (September 2014): 564–81. This article has been cited over 3,250 times by other scholars.
- is the definition by econometricians of a "highly concentrated market"
- Though the word "monopoly" suggests that only one company can constitute a concentrated market, while econometricians stick with their three or four company rule, we will use the terms interchangeably.
- Spencer Kwon, Yueran Ma, and Kaspar Zimmerman, “100 Years of Rising Corporate Concentration” (, accessed June 6, 2024,
35 Years of Wage Stagnation and Middle-Class Life in the US
November 18, 2024For the period between the end of WWII and 1979 there was productivity growth of ~ 55%. That means that for an hour’s work the economic value has grown by 55%. Over that period workers’ wages grew in parallel. As the economy flourished, so did the vast bulk of the population Many times over the past four or five years, we have mentioned the great wage stagnation that began in roughly 1979 and extends to —>> read more –>>
Occupy Wall St was right….
November 16, 2024In the fall of 2011, a large group of protestors occupied areas around Wall St. in NYC for six weeks under the banner of “We are the 99%” At the same time, there were protests around the world in financial centers. These followed the financial collapse of 2008, and the $ trillions poured into the financial centers to bailout them out. The socialization of private risk-taking. Not a single Wall Street big wig was brought —>> read more –>>
- See Carter C. Price and Kathryn A. Edwards, “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020), The Rand Corp. has been a prominent research-consulting firm since the 1950s. It is no Washington Beltway leftist think tank. No, it famously mostly does research the Pentagon and other elements of the security state. This report from 2020 details how correct the 1% rhetoric of Occupy Wall Street truly is.
Book Review – Revolt of the Rich: How the Politics of the 1970s Widened America’s Class Divide by David Gibbs
November 13, 2024Neoliberalism is the word most frequently used by commentators and academics when discussing the changes in the US economy over the past 50 years. For most people, this is a completely useless term. Are we talking about some new form of the New Deal? Then, we must yank ourselves back to 19th-century European liberalism to discover what neo is. Then, we are thrust into a very small world of political thinking that emerges chiefly from —>> read more –>>
Little Absurdities – Gentrification Meets Billionairification
November 7, 2024Last spring, I moved with my wife Karen Davis from Hudson, NY to West Palm Beach, FL. In part, this was to be closer in our aging years to one of our children. We bought a condominium in a vintage 1969 10-story building right on the Intracoastal Waterway, across the way from Palm Beach, where billionaires and Donald Trump have their palaces. We have twice experienced gentrification in our earlier lives. Beginning in the late —>> read more –>>
Wealth Concentration and the Environment – a new concern
October 29, 2024Much is made here and elsewhere of the extreme concentration of wealth in the top 1% of the world’s population (63 million people) and perhaps most excessively in the top 0.1%. Now, we must also recognize that these very same people, the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires, contribute in similar excessive proportions to CO2 emissions. Oxfam’s 10.28.2024 report, “Carbon Inequality Kills: Why curbing the excessive emissions of an elite few can create a sustainable planet for —>> read more –>>
Wealth Concentration in the US – more of the same
October 3, 2024October 2024 The US Congressional Budget Office has updated it findings on wealth inequality. Since 1989 the top 10%’s share of wealth has increased from 56.5% to 60.1% in 2022. As usual the top 1% did even better with its wealth share gaining 4.4% over the same time period. Meanwhile the bottom 50% of the population remain stuck at a 6.4% share of the country’s total wealth. Not shown here is the fact that —>> read more –>>
The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits
September 11, 2024Milton Friedman 27 asserted in his 9.13.1970 NYTimes opinion piece that “there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.”28 Within a decade this mantra, combined with changes in laws and regulations of corporate behavior, unleashed the —>> read more –>>
- Friedman was a famous economist from the 1960s through the end of the 20th century. He was a founder of the Chicago school of neoclassical economics and a leading conservative voice
- Who are the Low Wage 100? The 100 S&P 500 corporations with the lowest median wages.
Top 400 in US have a lower tax rate than the bottom half of Americans
May 5, 2024A frequent topic here is the staggering success of the rich and corporations in extracting income and wealth from the economy. In my 1.2.2024 post, Three charts that define the last 45 years in the US, I described how the rich and corporations have used a set of policies and strategies to accomplish this. I have called these The Wealth Supremacy Playbook. A recent essay in the New York Times, “It’s Time to Tax the —>> read more –>>
- Zucman is a well-known scholar of inequality. See: Gabriel Zucman, The hidden wealth of nations: the scourge of tax havens, 2015. and Thomas Piketty and Gabriel Zucman, Wealth and Inheritance in the Long Run (London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2014).
Elon Musk, $50 billion, and Financialization – from production to extraction
January 31, 2024Much is being made of a Delaware court blocking Musk’s $50 billion compensation contract. See the reporting in the NYTimes: Elon Musk’s Tesla Pay Package Is Voided by Judge. The court found that the compensation was set by a Board of Directors of Tesla who are in Musk’s pocket. “The process leading to the approval of Musk’s compensation plan was deeply flawed. Musk had extensive ties with the persons tasked with negotiating on Tesla’s behalf. —>> read more –>>
Three charts that define the last 45 years in the US
January 2, 2024Its the time of year for summations, usually for just the previous year. My selection of charts explains much of the past 45 years for the rich, middle-class, and poor in America. The Great Divide The dark blue line describes the growth in productivity. That is the dollar value of output per hour of labor. It has been rising fairly steadily for the entire post-WWII era. This is the result in improvements in technology and —>> read more –>>
- Price, Carter C., and Kathryn A. Edwards. “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018.” RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020.
- All dollars are constant inflation-adjusted dollars - apples to apples
My Year End Siege of Angers – the list –the rerun – 2023
December 29, 2023Last year, at about this time, I tapped away at the list below. In recent days I returned to the question of a new Siege of Angers. I came up with little new and found that last year’s Siege of Angers remained at the top of my mind. The one exception is the continuing siege of fascism spearheaded by Trump. We need to counter-attack vigorously. I don’t believe the Democrats are in a position to —>> read more –>>
- Carter C. Price and Kathryn A. Edwards, “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020),
- Please note that the income distribution in 1975 was not an ideal. There was significant inequality. From our current perspective, it seems idyllic compared to the transformations of the last 40 years.
- Price, Carter C., and Kathryn A. Edwards. “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018.” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020).
- For another day, we could look at the wealth inequalities that this has produced. Much worse!
- The classic origin text is Hayek, Friedrich A. von. The Road to Serfdom. G. Routledge, London, 1944.
- This movement was also championed in the UK and then forced on much of the developing world through US foreign policy, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank
- The “liberalism” of neoliberalism is not the liberalism we associate with FDR and the Democratic Party here in the US. The academics who coined this word were referring to 18th and 19th century European liberalism. A different beast.
- First Inaugural Address on January 20, 1981
- see Mariana Mazzucato, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths, Revised edition (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2015)
- Just search for "monopoly"(click on this link to conduct the search) on this website for many discussions of monopolization.
- I have to credit my stepson Jonathan London, Professor of Global Political Economics at Leiden University in the Netherlands, with this observation.
- Lewis Powell, “Memorandum: Attack On American Free Enterprise System | Lewis F. Powell Jr. Papers | Washington and Lee University School of Law” (August 23, 1971),
- Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspectives on Politics 12, no. 3 (September 2014): 564–81,
The Rich Keep Winning – this time in education
November 19, 2023A recent NYTimes article from 10.23.2023, “New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education,” 36 alerted me to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, “Diversifying Society’s Leaders? The Determinants and Causal Effects of Admission to Highly Selective Private Colleges”49 The report begins with this note: Leadership positions in the United States are held disproportionately by graduates of a small number of highly selective private colleges. Less than —>> read more –>>
- Claire Cain Miller and Francesca Paris, “New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education,” The New York Times, October 23, 2023, sec. The Upshot,
- Raj Chetty, David Deming, and John Friedman, “Diversifying Society’s Leaders? The Determinants and Causal Effects of Admission to Highly Selective Private Colleges” (Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2023),
Trump in jail is not the end game
September 4, 2023With four indictments and 91 charges of crimes committed one cannot help but be buoyed by the notion that Trump might spend his remaining years in jail. His crimes are so many and so manifestly obvious that this seems entirely just, even required. But MAGA America is not just going to melt away. There is not much obvious to be done to counter many components of MAGA world: the Christian fundamentalist radicals, the white supremacists, —>> read more –>>
- Richard V Reeves, “America’s Zip Code Inequality,” Brookings Institute OP-ED, December 2015,
- Click on this link to see more about monopolization
- Price, Carter C., and Kathryn A. Edwards. “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018.” RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020.
$47 Trillion – the ripoff by the rich and corporations – in two charts – maybe a few more…..
August 22, 2023I was already 31 years old when the rip-off of America began in 1979. I was busy, and the changes in American life were only occasionally to be noticed. By the mid-1980s my management life started to feature the early signs of the financialization of the corporation. I knew of Milton Friedman’s famous dictum, “there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its —>> read more –>>
- Carter C. Price and Kathryn A. Edwards, “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020),
- Please note that the income distribution in 1975 was not an ideal. There was significant inequality. From our current perspective, it seems idyllic compared to the transformations of the last 40 years.
- Price, Carter C., and Kathryn A. Edwards. “Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018.” (RAND Corporation, September 14, 2020).
- For another day, we could look at the wealth inequalities that this has produced. Much worse!
- The classic origin text is Hayek, Friedrich A. von. The Road to Serfdom. G. Routledge, London, 1944.
- This movement was also championed in the UK and then forced on much of the developing world through US foreign policy, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank
- The “liberalism” of neoliberalism is not the liberalism we associate with FDR and the Democratic Party here in the US. The academics who coined this word were referring to 18th and 19th century European liberalism. A different beast.
- First Inaugural Address on January 20, 1981
- see Mariana Mazzucato, The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths, Revised edition (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2015)
- Just search for "monopoly"(click on this link to conduct the search) on this website for many discussions of monopolization.
- I have to credit my stepson Jonathan London, Professor of Global Political Economics at Leiden University in the Netherlands, with this observation.
- Lewis Powell, “Memorandum: Attack On American Free Enterprise System | Lewis F. Powell Jr. Papers | Washington and Lee University School of Law” (August 23, 1971),
- Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspectives on Politics 12, no. 3 (September 2014): 564–81,
What is $47 trillion – 47,000,000,000,000 – a comparative exploration?
August 22, 2023My previous post, “$47 Trillion – the ripoff by the rich and corporations – in two charts – maybe a few more…..” raises the question of exactly what 47,000,000,000,000 amounts to. There are so many “0”s! Let’s work with a one-dollar US paper bill. So how many dollar bills do we have to pile up to equal the height of the tallest building on Billionaire Row in Manhattan? This tower is 1,550 ft. tall (472 —>> read more –>>
My Year End Siege of Angers – the list – 2022
January 1, 2023Yesterday as I was taking a walk up and down Warren St. here in Hudson I realized that I had become actively angry about the state of the US and the world. I walked past hotels where a single room would set you back $400 for a night or you could go for the suite that is a mere $1300. This in a country where 32% of the people can’t pay an unexpected $400 bill.52 —>> read more –>>
- see the empirical study Martin Gilens, Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America (Princeton, N.J; New York: Princeton University Press ; Russell Sage Foundation, 2012).
- and
What’s Wrong With Inequality – the word?
November 26, 2021Use of the word inequality hides the real issues.
Reparations and the System of White Supremacy
June 25, 2020Monetary reparations for African Americans may accomplish very little to drive basic changes in the five pillars of the system of white supremacy: housing, education, healthcare, employment, and the judicial system.
“How Structural Racism Works” – Tricia Rose and Samuel Rosen – recently noted
June 7, 2020If you are struggling to get your head around how racism works you will probably find it helpful to have a general framework as a guide. This one hour lecture from 2017 features an overview by Brown University Professor Tricia Rose of the structure of racism and how it works in the US (approx. 29 minutes). Then follows a case study by Samuel Rosen, senior researcher, How Structural Racism Works Project at Brown, of how —>> read more –>>
Tightrope – Americans reaching for hope by Kristof and WuDunn – book review
May 1, 2020Tightrope provides a well-written description of the American crisis through personal stories and hard data. Unfortunately it falls flat in its call for action.
How the Rich and Big Corporations Feed Off Us During the Pandemic
May 1, 2020The rich and corporations win even during a global pandemic.
We’re number 40, no we’re number 39, no, number 61, yea, we’re number 1 in incarceration!!!
April 7, 2020The decline of the US has become so marked over the last few decades that the stories and numbers no longer shock. From a country with an enormous middle class we have become a country with rich, super-rich and big corporations at the top while the vast majority, more than 80%, are either homeless, very poor, poor, or a paycheck or two from poor. If you want an introduction to the state of our society, —>> read more –>>
Recently Noted – “Across America, working-class people are dying of despair”
January 17, 2020Essay explores the grim reality of life in one small corner of America within the broader landscape of the bottom 90%.
Recently Noted – busing, re-segregation, white supremacy
July 17, 2019The recent controversies surrounding Joe Biden’s anti- school busing collaborations with racist politicians from the south has for the moment aroused new comment on segregated America. The New York Times published an excellent review of the history of school desegregation by Nikole Hannah-Jones, “It Was Never About Busing: Court-ordered desegregation worked. But white racism made it hard to accept.” As the article notes the yellow school bus has been in use for almost a hundred years. —>> read more –>>
Evicted – the book and the exhibition
April 3, 2019Eviction from home is a regular feature of life for the poor and working class, more so for black and brown people. The civil justice system works with the same imbalance of power as the criminal system. Based on the book Evicted by Matthew Desmond.
The State of Women around the World – International Women’s Day 3/8/2019
March 8, 2019Discrimination Against Women Continues – Lots of Outright Oppression Too In the NYTimes today is an article, “Why International Women’s Day Isn’t Going Away – For all the progress women have made, they are still a long way from true equality.” by Iliana Magra. Here are a few data points from the article: 200 million That’s the minimum number of women and girls on the planet who have undergone female genital mutilation, the United Nations says. —>> read more –>>
Roosevelt’s 1944 Second Bill of Rights – a good starting point today
February 14, 2019Roosevelt’s 1944 State of the Union called for a second bill of rights, an economic bill of rights, that resonates loudly today.
Recently Noted – John Thompson and Justice – Prosecution With No Recourse
January 26, 2019It is not often that one can make a judgement that is nearly absolute in its accuracy. Most things in life are complicated, complicated by circumstance, money, class, family, just plain errors in judgement, execution, and on… But, when it comes to the American justice system you come face to face with a system that is a gigantic fraud. This is as close to an absolute truth as one is ever likely find in our —>> read more –>>
Inequality, Jeff Bezos, Amazon and Bernie Sanders
August 22, 2018It is always useful to put a face to trends. The grotesque yawning extent of inequality is one of those trends that begs for the concrete. Knowing that a million seconds is 12 days while a billion seconds is 31 years gives some shape to the dimensions of inequality, it is still difficult to wrap one’s head around the scale of inequality that continues to surge. Today this message from Bernie Sanders arrived in —>> read more –>>
Countering White Male Top 10% Affirmative Action
May 22, 2018Countering White Male Top 10% Affirmative Action The continuing advances of elite white males63 requires action. They live and procreate in a closed loop of social, educational, and political advantages and protections. Wealth flows to them behind the uniformed doormen of the Upper East Side and the hedges of the Hamptons(or their equivalents in every major city). They justify their status with the politics of free market capitalism, the rugged risk-takers driving the economy forward. —>> read more –>>
- Here we are mainly focusing on the US, but much of this discussion can be applied to elite males everywhere.
- Chart from accessed 5/20/2018
Recently Noted – A journey through a land of extreme poverty: welcome to America by Ed Pilkington
December 27, 2017At a time when the Republicans are transferring income and wealth to the rich and corporations over 40 million Americans fall below the official poverty line.
Recently Noted – about racism
May 12, 2017An enormous entitlement in the tax code props up home prices — and overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy and the upper middle class.
Continuing Income Stagnation for Americans
August 4, 2012For 99% of Americans the last forty years have been a period of income stagnation. As this chart from Mother Jones displays, virtually all of the productivity gains of the last forty years have ended up the hands of the super-rich. A new report from the National Employment Law Project, New Report: The Low-Wage Recovery and Growing Inequality (August 2012), details some of the changes in the economy that continue to drive this long-term hollowing —>> read more –>>
Economic Inequality – Does It Matter?
May 9, 2012It is fairly widely known that income and wealth inequality in the US is as high or higher than at any time except perhaps the Robber Baron period at the end of the 19th century. Lots of articles and books explain how this has come about over the last 30 years. In a recent NYTimes Magazine article, “The Purpose of Spectacular Wealth, According to a Spectacularly Wealthy Guy” by Adam Davidson, we are even offered an affirmative —>> read more –>>
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